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  • How To Find Remote Software Developer Jobs in 6 Steps

How To Find Remote Software Developer Jobs in 6 Steps

As remote work grows in popularity, the tech industry employs a wide range of specialists in remote positions. Software developers can often find remote roles coding, testing and updating programs and apps from home using virtual private networks (VPNs). If you want to find your next work-from-home software development opportunity, knowing those positions exist and how to find them can help you start the next steps of your career. 

In this article, we discuss how to find remote software developer jobs so you can better target work-from-home opportunities in your job search.

Key takeaways:

  • Remote jobs are common in the software development field, but it's important to know where to find them.

  • You can create targeted searches on job boards to find remote jobs or connect with tech recruiters who can help you identify the best work-from-home software development opportunities.

  • Strengthening your network can also help you learn about opportunities and gain an advantage with companies that hire remote software developers.

Can you get a remote job as a software developer?

As the technology to support remote work grows, many companies embrace remote work and allow employees to work from their homes. There are many opportunities available for qualified software developers seeking remote work. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 27.5% of private businesses offer telework options for employees. The BLS also states that 67.4% of employers in the information industry, which includes software publishing, offer telework, which is the highest percentage across all industries.

Telework allows employees to limit the time they spend commuting to and from a location, customize their workspace and establish a work-life balance that works for them. Many people also enjoy remote work as it allows them the freedom to work from locations other than their homes, including other states or counties if their employer permits it. Remote work limits the disruption that traveling used to cause and allows people to access the tools necessary for their work from almost anywhere in the world, and they can work across timezones, which is common in the software industry. 

How to find remote software developer jobs

Below are steps you can follow to find remote software developer jobs:

1. Write or update your resume

It's important to have an updated, optimized resume summarizing what you can bring to a software development role. Job boards and professional networking sites may prompt you to upload a resume so that potential employers can see what skills and experiences you have. Professional recruiters might also see your resume and want to help you find the roles you're seeking. 

When you write your software developer resume, use software or a tool that lets you convert it into different file types so that you can convert your resume into the preferred format for each website or opportunity. This can help you quickly upload your resume to the various sites you use to find remote software developer jobs. There are several important sections to include on your resume, detailed below:

Contact information

This is the section where you list your first and last name, your phone number, a professional email address and the link to a job portfolio website if you have one. You can also link to a cloud-based repository. It's helpful to include contact details so potential employers can contact you with interview requests.

Professional summary

This is a one to two-sentence description of who you are as a candidate and what your most relevant qualifications and accomplishments are. It's important because it gives recruiters and potential employers a quick summary of what value you can bring to the organization, which may encourage them to look more closely at your application.

Educational background

This section is a list of the degrees you have, the year you received your degrees and the institutions that gave you the degrees. This section is important because it shows your most recent level of education, and many employers look for candidates who hold at least a bachelor's degree in computer science or a relevant field.

Work experience

This is a part of your resume where you list your work experiences from the most to least recent, showing what job titles you've had before. It's important because it can tell potential employers how long you've worked in the tech industry and the projects and accomplishments you achieved at each workplace. Make sure that you highlight specific roles that relate to software development.


This is the section where you can list skills you've learned through your education and work experiences. These include both hard and soft skills you use in your everyday work and technical skills specific to software engineering. Examples of core skills for software developers include programming languages, frameworks, testing, debugging and requirements analysis. 

2. Look for positions on remote job boards

Remote job boards are online locations and search engines that help you find telework roles. While they usually include jobs from all fields, you can often target the results of your search to find positions in tech and software development.

Job descriptions on these boards might include duties, preferred qualifications, compensation and hours. There are plenty of filters you can use on job board websites to help you find the roles you want. For example, you can filter for full-time, remote positions in software engineering and development.

3. Search industry websites

There are many online communities where people with similar backgrounds can come together to discuss their industry, find new jobs in that industry and search for potential employees. Examples include chat boards, social media sites and professional organizations. Consider using mentoring websites to gain feedback about your resume and tips for looking for jobs that interest you.

Many people turn to threads to find qualified candidates who can fulfill the duties of open roles in their organization. You may also build connections with other software developers on these sites, which may help you learn about exciting new positions early. For example, you might be able to gain a referral to an internal position at a poster company if they know and trust you already through your contributions to industry conversations.

4. Create a keyword email alert on job boards

You can maximize your time on general job search sites by creating preferences and signing up for email alerts. When you set up an email alert for specific positions, you can filter the roles you want so you only get messages about jobs that apply to your search. For example, you can set up an email with filters for remote work as a software developer and when the website's algorithm finds a role that matches your preferences, it sends you an email with that role's information.

This is a useful tool because it can help you save time you might spend searching through hundreds of roles that may relate to what you want and, instead, the system provides a shorter, curated list of roles with your preferences. This means you can dedicate time to looking into other sources for the jobs you want.

5. Work with recruiters

Recruiters are hiring experts who help connect employers to qualified candidates and vice versa. When you work with a recruiter, you can tell them the preferences you have for a remote job in the software development industry and let them find the roles that match those preferences. Some recruiters specialize in tech, so they often know where to look for open remote roles and how to build relationships with companies.

Working with a recruiter can also help ease the stress you might feel because they want you to be a successful candidate for the positions. To increase your chances of placement, they often provide helpful tips and guidelines for your interviews when you receive them and check on your progress through the hiring process. Find recruiters by sending an email or a message via job boards, for instance.

6. Peruse company websites

You can also find remote software developer positions directly listed on the websites of software companies. Many companies have a page on their website that lets you search through their open positions, and many of them allow you to filter for specific roles. When you look through these websites, make sure you're looking for remote opportunities because you might see lists of all an organization's publicly available open positions.

Tips to improve your chances of finding a remote software developer job

Here are some tips you might implement to strengthen your job search when targeting work-from-home software development roles:

Customize your resume and cover letter for each job

When applying for remote jobs, carefully adjusting your resume and drafting a unique cover letter may increase your chances of catching the hiring manager's attention and passing the application tracking system (ATS) scan. Research the company to learn about its tech stack, values and partnership so you can highlight your most relevant skills and exemplify how you've implemented similar values and priorities in previous roles.

It is also important to analyze the job description to identify resume and cover letter keywords you should use; for instance, where the job posting mentions specific remote work tools or soft skills the employer is seeking, like time management or self-motivation.

Expand your professional network

Growing your network is a great way to increase your chances of learning about new remote opportunities. Aim to build relationships with peers, thought leaders and employers using social media, by joining alumni groups from schools you attended or staying in contact with previous colleagues. Having a vast network may provide you with references and referrals when applying to remote jobs, which can build credibility with potential employers.

Learn new skills

Employers hiring for remote positions have access to a wide array of candidates because they may be open to candidates located anywhere. Because of this, it's critical that distinguish yourself from other candidates and present yourself as a competitive candidate. 

Focus on developing in-demand industry skills that employers seek. For example, automation and machine learning are important skills for today's developers. Refine your skill set through professional development and self-paced learning outside of work